We work with Porchlight by offering work experience to their service users so that when they choose to go into employment, they have had some genuine work experience.
Our Partners
Lily’s Community
Lily’s are supported by many.
We are very grateful for the local support we receive.
Lily’s has a lot of great friends and partnerships to aid us in delivering our social outcomes. All these organisations share our ethos, passion and commitment within our local communities. Do check out their services and get involved where you can 🙂
Bemix work with local communities so that people with learning difficulties become fully included and no longer segregated. We work closely with Bemix to provide opportunities for vulnerable people to gain work experience and valuable employability skills.
We are proud to work alongside SEK. Social Enterprise Kent’s mission is “Improving Lives, Supporting Communities”. Every day they deliver a positive social impact, strengthen communities, empower people and improve lives.
Produced in Kent is the home of all things Kent. We are proud of our title as the Garden of England and want to share the county’s vibrant range of products with you. Use our search to find Kent’s Finest products, where to buy, places to eat, drink, stay & visit, artisan crafts and so much more.
Catching Lives is an independent charity aimed at supporting the rough sleepers, homeless and vulnerably housed in Canterbury and East Kent; those who have, for many reasons, fallen through the gaps in society and feel they have nowhere else to turn.
FareShare is the UK’s Natinoal network of charitable food redistributors. Together, they take good quality surplus food from right across the food industry and get it to almost 11,000 frontline charities and community groups.
Pyxis was born from the belief that young people who experience difficulty with their “life and social skills” can improve them if given the right support. Lily’s works alongside Pyxis promoting independent lives, successful relationships and fulfilling careers.
For over 100 years Westgate Hal has been a civic space supporting businesses, health services, educational and social purpose organisations. Lily’s has enjoyed a working relationship for over 5 years providing their catering for events and graduations.
Kent Training & Apprenticeships has been established for 30 years and over this time has become the leading work-based training provider in Kent, providing training solutions to both companies and individuals across the county.
We are an all age Congregation and we value being a Church where people of all ages attend and have a place. On Sundays you have your choice of sitting on a pew or at a table. Tea and coffee is available both before and after the Service.
Established in 2004 following the transfer of homes from Maidstone Borough Council, we've invested more than £283m in regenerating our homes and neighbourhoods. Our priority is to provide safe and secure homes for our customers and make sure our communities are places where people choose to live.
Canterbury BID was established by ballot in 2014, and again in July 2019 for another five-year term, as an independent, business-led, not-for-profit initiative to ensure investment in the city based on the priorities of the business community.
Born Anxious is a homegrown clothing label with core objectives, to make our clothing as comfortable as possible, whilst also remaining planet friendly. We use organic fabrics and remove all labels by hand.
We are the district Special School for children and young people from 4 to 19 years with a wide range of special educational needs. All of our pupils have profound, severe and/or complex needs and have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
We offer a pathways approach to our curriculum as well as a personalized approach to each child’s learning through their EHCP. Our pathways have their own curriculum and strategies to support learning that are right for those groups of learners.
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